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Keys to receiving a Healing

15 Keys to receiving a Healing that has already been done for you & me!

Is there anyone who has never fallen ill…ever?

Health is One of the biggest problems or concerns for most humans!

Studies reveal that every human has 4 major problems- 4F’s:

  1. Finance
  2. Family
  3. Fitness (health)
  4. Firm (job)

The 2 Top most on the list are: Health & Finance, then only Family

It’s no wonder then that Jesus used miracles to prove Salvation. Most of Jesus' work on earth had to do with healing...& when the people saw the healing they began to believe in Him! Healing was the very foundation of Jesus’ ministry!

John 10:10b says “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”

The unbeliever does not know what salvation is all about. His problem now is his health…nothing else on his mind. If he could see the power of God working on his health he will then be receptive to listening on Salvation.

(Mark 2: 9-11) “Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house"

Confronted by unbelieving religious leaders, Jesus asked them which would be harder to say, “Your sins are forgiven" or "Take up your bed and walk". No one can see a sin forgiven, but everyone in that crowded room, including the Pharisees, would be able to see if this man was healed or not. Either he would get up and walk, or Jesus' words would be totally violated.

Therefore, "Take up your bed and walk " was definitely harder to say!

The people knew if Jesus could perform that which was hardest, surely He could do the least.

(Mark 2: 12). "And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed and glorified God"

Jesus used the fact that He could heal bodies and perform miracles in the physical realm to substantiate the fact that He could also do things, like forgiving sins, in the spiritual realm.

Another important factor with healing is that the Scriptures don’t tell us to pray for the sick. It’s just the opposite: Jesus told US to HEAL the sick (Matt. 10:1, 8; Luke 9:1, and 10:9). There’s a big difference between asking the Lord to heal people and healing them

So let’s get into the 15 Keys:

  1. First & foremost is that we must know that our God is a GOOD GOD. He does only good things. No evil can come from HIM (can u ever think of a father causing harm to his child?) Everything that He created right from the beginning, He saw to it that it was good!
    It’s your right as a child of God to be healthy. God wants us all healthy
    Some say ‘Its Gods will that I should be sick or God wanted me sick!”…If it’s HIS will then why go to a doctor!! Just live with that will!! It would seem more logical to allow the sickness to run its course so God's purpose could be accomplished!
    (John 10:10 “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”)
    (3 John 2: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”)
  2. Its Satan who causes oppression (see Acts 10:38): Take out from your mind that God punishes. No! not His children!
    There is a division between the life-giving nature of God & the death dealing work of the devil.
    (John 10: 10a the thief cometh not, but to steal, kill & destroy…)
    The only power satan has against us is deception. Satan could be using these tactics, and we are to blame for encouraging him & giving him the ammunition.
    We should not be falling for his tricks & be afraid, as we are the ones that have God given authority & power.
    James 4:7 If you resist the devil he will flee from you. So rebuke satan & his dirty works! ... in the name of Jesus!
    Eph 6:17 “And take ...the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.
    Math 4:10 Even Jesus used the sword of the spirit & the devil ran
    Remember: The Devil is a midget! Isa 14:16 “Is this the one that was trying to destroy me?
    The devil dreads 4 things: HIS Word, HIS Name, HIS Blood & Praises to our Lord!
    I’m going to make a profound statement that radically changed my thinking:
    God has commanded the devil to pay back 7 fold all the good times that he’s robbed us off (by deceiving us of our health, prosperity …you name it!) including the Good health he has stolen from you or deprived you of (Prov 6: 30, 31).
    A 7 fold return on everything the devil has stolen from us. Claim it now!
    I believe God’s Blessings are 4 fold:
    1. What God has already planned for you!
    2. What you give (tithe), you get back 100 fold
    3. What the devil has taken from you, you get back 7 fold
    4. If you are the eldest, there is another special blessing!
  3. Claim Gal 3:13: Remember Christ has rescued us from every curse pronounced by the law. He took every curse on our behalf (that lists every possible known & unknown sickness too in Deut 28), so that we could be blessed.
  4. What does 1 Peter 2: 24 say? Claim it! "By HIS stripes we WERE healed!"
    Notice it’s a past tense…it’s a done deal!
    Salvation is a package deal: Look at the Greek word 'sozo'= salvation, meaning ‘save, healed’. It’s not only forgiveness of our sins, but also includes healing, deliverance & prosperity.
    At the time of being saved, not only are our sins erased, but several other things happen: Prosperity, deliverance, healing, etc are restored.
    Many say: "HIS time for my cure has not yet come..."
    We are actually insulting Jesus & His finished work for us... It was already done over 2000 years ago. It's a done deal...It’s already there in the spiritual realm. We just got to reach out to it!
    Sadly, many have waited for years in despair for 'His time' & gone in that condition, not knowing they already had it, but just not claimed it!
  5. Ask God to open your eyes or remove any hindrances that are blocking you from seeing/ receiving the healing & experiencing it in the physical realm.
    Question: If its Gods will to heal us then why isn’t everyone healed? I could ask this same question a little differently: If its Gods will that the entire world be saved (…and we know for sure it is definitely God’s will!), why then isn’t everyone instantly saved the moment we pray for them? What we believe determines what we will experience.
    Many reasons:
    5 issues are involved in this process: (GOD, Self, Devil, Others, Other Obstacles)
    1. God: He's already done it! He has nothing more to do!
    2. Self: (self pity, blaming others),
      -Ignorance: not knowing that God has already done it! They don’t know how His healing system works…and a lot of people go to their graves because of this.
      -Unbelief: (Math 13:58) we need to believe he's done it & claim it! Its Gods will for them to be healed, but HE will not move against their own will. (You can push a car when in neutral, but you can’t push it when on gear). We need to learn to cooperate with HIM.
      -Self Pity: God does not love me/ Nobody cares for me!
    3. Devil: Will block/ deceive:
    4. Unbelief of Others can effect (Mark-6, Jesus in His own home town)
    5. Other Obstacles: Unconfessed sin (sin that we could be living with) / not praying for the right thing-not being specific with our prayer request
      Deal with the root cause that’s blocking you from receiving healing
  6. Talk to the pain: With the authority given to us ...say to the pain/ sickness: Be moved... Mark 11: 23 command it to get out. God gave us the authority to heal. "Go heal" is what He said. He did not say 'send people to Him or pray that they may be healed!'
  7. Disease/ Sickness also has a name...but remember His name is above every name even Arthritis/ Cancer/ Fever …they all have names…but HIS name is above every name! We lift that name...Exalt that name. Phil 2: 8-11
  8. It’s not just the disease, but healing of your total self or being that takes place: (Salvation is a package) Jesus did not approach you from the standpoint of your illness alone, but from the view of YOU, the whole person. Jesus taught that when any part of you is ill, all of you is affected, and the whole person needs healing (John 5: 2-9)
    Eg: the woman with the blood issue (Mark 5: 28) …so that I shall be whole
    Mark 5: 30-34) Jesus’ response: …be whole of thy plague!
  9. Not Progressive healing but Now/ Total Healing ! If you believe your healing is going to be progressive, then that’s what you will get! But that’s not His best, though.The Lord will meet us where our faith is, but His best is now. "Now faith is" (Heb. 11:1) Faith must believe that God is (Heb. 11:6), not that He was or is going to be. Faith is now! We have to aggressively take the authority God has given us and bring that healing into manifestation.
  10. The healing power through the key: Point of Contact: A point of contact is something you do & when you do it you release your faith to God. Having it & releasing it are 2 different things knowing the price of bread, but unless you release the money you will not get the bread in your hand!
    Someone told Oral Roberts: “I have all the faith in the world”. He replied: “That’s precisely your problem!” He still had it & not released it!
    There are many points of contact in the Bible: Jairus & his dying daughter (Mark 5:23) “Come & lay thy hands on her that she may be healed; and she shall live”
    The point of contact has no healing power, but is the springboard to releasing your faith. At that moment the point of contact helps you say: Now, Lord, I believe!” It’s that single act of faith when your faith holds on to God’s promise that He has healed you & it’s a done deal!
    (Eg; Responding to an alter call/ Raising your hand when the preacher asks)
    Faith without works is dead. Rom 12: 3 says it’s there in our heart but we must bring it forth!
    Heb: 11:1 “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”
    Forsaking All I Trust Him!
    Someone once said that the first step towards thanking is thinking. Think therefore how marvelous God has dealt with us through His Son & let our thinking turn into thanking.
    We were created in His image. We are therefore perfect. No flaw...There cannot be, as we were created by a perfectionist & created in the perfectionist’ image!
    Pray the prayer of faith (James 5:15)
  11. If Spirit filled: Pray in tongues: Dr. Carl Peterson, of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a neurosurgeon and a researcher; was doing research on the relationship between the brain and praying in tongues.
    Some amazing things were discovered.
    Through the research and testing, Dr. Peterson found that as we pray in the Spirit; there is activity that begins in our brain. As we engage in our heavenly language, the brain releases two chemical secretions that are directed into our immune system giving a 35 to 40 percent boost to our immune system. This promotes healing within our bodies. This is amazing because this secretion is triggered from a part of the brain that has no other apparent activity in humans. It has only been identified as being activated by our Spirit-led prayer and worship.
  12. Praise, thank & believe that you are healed! As you enjoy HIS healing, keep praising, & thanking God for His Goodness
  13. Think & focus on what you are called to be: Stay focused on that call to keep you motivated. Remember till that calling has been fulfilled nothing can happen to you.
    Paul when shipwrecked in a storm (with no hope of survival) focused on his preaching in Rome: The tempest/ hurricane became small & God became big.
  14. Tell others about HIS goodness & be a living testimony
  15. You don’t need others to always pray for you! Many people think the only way to receive divine healing is to have someone else minister to them. If someone who strongly believes in divine healing does minister to you, it can give you a boost on your road to health. But doing so is like getting a jump-start when your car has a low battery, it may get you going, but to continue running you need to generate your own faith. It’s not wrong to depend on someone else while your faith is growing.
    But it’s a mistake to think you can continue to depend on someone else’s faith to get what you need from God forever. God requires us all to grow up and take responsibility for our own lives.

Finally…Remember that there is no sickness in Heaven. So God’s will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! (Matthew 6:10)